Embed post

Today we have  being liring about editing post and  em bedding post first i went to my drive and choose my doc. I embed it because we can see it on my blog. It was hard. I need to think about where I sit so that I can focus and get my blog post finished.


today we have been  creating  lunapic to do this i  took a image from google slides it was fun to make  this be cause it was fun changing the colors

Under the Sea Reading

We have been learning about the creatures in the layers of the sea.

We learned this so that we know more about the layers and the sea creatures of the sea
I have been learning about clownfish.

I have learned that:
clownfish have 28-30 different species.
The female CLownfish is the biggest.
They get eat zooplankton
When the biggest female dies, the biggest male becomes a female. They can not change back.

I enjoyed learning about the layers and fish living in the sea.
I found it challenging to reach the next level and to understand what I was reading but I was working with Cohen and he helped me.
My next step is to finish my slideshow about clownfish.
If I did this activity again I would learn about other fish.
How many species of clownfish are there?


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